Monday, September 12, 2011

31DBBB - 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

This September I am participating in 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. There will be posts Monday and Thursday of each week, that are to improve my blogosphere!

Today's task is to write an elevator pitch. So here goes:

Writing one of my first blog posts here on Sandpiper Cat Blog, while Piper is recovering from her emergency spay.
Sandpiper Cat Blog started when I was a junior in high school (now a senior), to chronicle my foster cat Piper’s pregnancy and the birth of her kittens. I named the blog “The Situation” because the day Piper’s kittens were to be born landed on the month my Jersey Shore calendar featured Mike the Situation. However, because nothing goes as it is supposed to, Piper lost her kittens due to a miscarriage. I decided to keep blogging about volunteering with my rescue, as well as improving my day to day writing. I have aspirations to become a journalist, and writing a blog is my place to write short stories or tell events that perhaps need won’t fit on a Facebook status and need to have a further explanation for.


  1. thanks for the background about your blog! Best of luck!

  2. Thanks Caren and Cody. Hope you will continue reading.

  3. Hi Rachel! I'm in the 31DBBB group too and I think your pitch is great. Great picture too, Piper is a cutie. I'm looking forward to following your blog!
