Monday, September 2, 2013

Review: Adventures in Veterinary Medicine by Ingrid King

Page after page, I found myself extremely interested in learning how someone could go from a corporate office job to being a veterinary assistant, a Reiki practitioner and ultimately, an author.

Where, you might ask, did I read such an interesting and unusual story? Adventures in Veterinary Medicine: What Working in Veterinary Hospitals Taught Me About Life, Love, and Myself by Ingrid King of The Conscious Cat Blog.

In Adventures in Veterinary Medicine, Ingrid breaks her story into nine short chapters that detail how she found her life path.

"The book offers a unique look at what really goes on in a veterinary hospital through the eyes of a former veterinary hospital manager, aka, yours truly. The book provides insight into what makes veterinary medicine such a rewarding profession through a series of stories about some of the pets I connected with during my twelve years working in the field." -Ingrid King

One chapter in particular that stood out to me was about a cat named Diesel. He had been found on the side of the road with a broken pelvis. The way he was found happens all too many times in the rescue world. Thank goodness for the few kind souls who will pull over off the road and pick up a hurt animal. 

Adventures in Veterinary Medicine is an eBook available on the Kindle. You don't need a kindle to read it - Amazon has a free reading pass for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone and Android tablets/phones.

Ingrid is also the author of Buckley's Story and Purrs of Wisdom. You can read my review of Purrs of Wisdom here.

I definitely recommend Adventures in Veterinary Medicine to all of those who are interested in the profession or just simply love cats!

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